August 19, 2007


"Now I don't want to go off on a rant here, but Wilson Phillips makes Kobe Bryant look like Nelson Mandela at a Halliburton shareholders meeting..."

Yes, rants. Everyone loves them. Well, everyone loves to go off on them. Does everyone love to read them? We're going to find out this week. Now that I'm back from vacation and I have a desk to sit at and type properly during my lonely San Diego nights by myself, there's going to be a lot more Funktastic rants about various odds and ends this week, so keep checking back here for them. Here's what the week is going to look like:

Monday: The recent attacks on "torture porn"
Tuesday: The iPhone
Wednesday: Airport security
Thursday: Dangerous flying children

And I'm sure there will be more. But that's the main stuff and I swear that it will be written.

It's hot here and there isn't much to do on my own. But the Cubs and Red Sox are in first place, so that counts for something.

I'll be back tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Hey Rich... Doesn't look like your holding up on your end of the deal... i actually want to see Tuesday's and Wednesday's rants, however, Thursday's is rather enticing too...

Monday: The recent attacks on "torture porn"
Tuesday: The iPhone
Wednesday: Airport security
Thursday: Dangerous flying children

by TemplatesForYou-TFY
SoSuechtig, Burajiru